Reading A Chart


Reading a Chart

The basic philosophy behind astrology is the idea that we live in a holistic universe. There is a deep interrelationship between the whole and its parts, and anything, be it an event, a group, or an individual that is born at a particular point in time and space, in a sense embodies the whole universe focused at that point.

The Solar System and Astrology Meaning

Obviously, it is impossible to determine the state of the whole universe from a particular point in time and space, so in order to give astrology meaning , we take the Solar System as the greater whole and regard the patterns that are formed by the Sun, Moon and planets (as seen from a particular time and place on earth) as a reflection of the forces acting at that time and place.

Natal Astrology Meaning 

In natal astrology (astrology applied to individual human beings) , the Sun, Moon and planets symbolise basic human needs, desires or urges which we all possess. It is the ever changing interrelationship between these basic functions or archetypes, and their relationship to the horizon at the time of birth that are used to symbolise the personality structure of a human being and give astrology meaning . The birth chart is a symbolic map of the solar system as seen from the earth at the time and place of birth.

A Birth Chart

The chart is comprised of three basic factors.

(1) The aspects (angles) formed between the Sun, Moon and planets, as seen from the earth. These are indicated by the lines on a birth chart.

(2) Each planet is located in a particular sign of the Zodiac. The symbols for each sign are placed around the edge of the chart, and are named Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

(3) Each planet is also located in a particular house in the chart. These are indicated by the twelve sections of a birth chart.

It will be seen that, although many people may have (for instance) the planet Mars in the sign Scorpio in the first house, or the planet Venus in the sign Capricorn in the tenth house, and hence have certain traits in common, the number of ways in which the three factors of planets, signs and houses can be combined is infinite.

Your birth chart is therefore a unique blueprint of your personality; everyone is different. When you are born, the birth chart represents a set of potentials; it describes the “form” of your personality and the contents must be added through the experiences of life.

For a more complete guide to Astrological Terms and their astrology meanings, visit my Astrology dictionary.

Remember, you don’t need a full understanding of all the above to get the most from my Astrology Reports, as they are written in straightforward English! Click here to order your reports today.

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